
So I guess-

I'm just the other girl again. Sort of. Kind of. You've been dating her for six months now. But you still want me, after a year and half of being broken up, but it's ok, because I still want you too. I just didn't realize the feeling was mutual, until you told me, of coarse. But there's nothing to do about it. She's your "boo", but you "still have eyes" for me. Cool. What does that mean. It means nothing, it means you've been in a relationship for a while, and you miss being able to flirt with everyone. That's all.

I don't think I should, but I'm gonna wait. Just to see, if when you guys break up, you'll still feel the same. Because you will break up. It's going to happen. She's going to job corps. She can't smoke pot to go. Unless you give it up, you'll just make it too hard for her. But I don't want you to quit for her. You didn't quit for me.

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