
I'm not a city girl.

So, there was this birthday party, of this two year old who is the daughter of my aunt and uncle's friend, who I had never met. Anyways. It was sort of downtown, and I again realized I do not belong in the city. Yes, the night lights are beautiful, and the people are unique. However, it makes me feel just a teeny bit claustrophobic. I like back yards, and front yards for that matter. I don't like the noise of cars, and I have a fear of crossing streets. I do not at all find the brushing of your shoulder's against a random strangers invigorating or at all pleasant. It's awkaward. Crowds are no where near my favorite place to be, and whether or not I have terrible allergies, I would much rather spend my day at a quiet park with swings and grass, then the waterfront with drug dealers and the smell of dog shit.

It is partially because I'm extremely paranoid. I stand between the skyscrapers, and cross my fingers hoping to God they won't fall and crush us all. I'm scared of strangers, and I don't trust the food. Sure, the people who paint themselves gold and stand impossibly still are interesting, and I like the garbage can drumming, but it's not my kind of lifestyle. I don't necessarily want to live all up in the mountains, and hermit myself away, but I don't want to be squished. I don't want to see needles scattered across the sidewalk. And I'm not into the club scene.

I like horses. I like barns. I like the smell of the outside, and walking barefoot in the mud. I don't like worms or spiders, and I scream when I see bees, but there is nothing better then being outside in a thunder storm, or feeling the heat of summer rain.

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