
Weekend Warriors

Well, the song was true. Our song was true. "This can't last forever". For some reason I didn't believe it, or realize it. I thought our weekend adventures would always be the same. Oh, how wrong I was. Three weeks in a row, I've been by myself on a Friday night. Simply because I am not willing to forgive your best friend for grabbing his girlfriend by the hair and spitting in her face. I said he wasn't going to be at my house anymore. Now, I'm alone. Because everyone else seems to accept his apology and be over it. I'm not. He's eighteen years old. He needs to learn to grow up, and think about what he says and does before he acts. You're my best friend. You have been for a year now. But lately everything's changing. It's not just what he did. It's that girl you say you're in love with. I don't hate her. I've never even met her. However, the stories I've heard don't encourage me to be fond of her. You speak of her as if she's an angel directly sent from heaven. She isn't, but she sure thinks she is.
I asked you if we would ever all hang out together, the whole group, and her. I also asked whether or not you would act differently.
"Probably, but I'd just be more mature."
I asked who you really were.
"I like who I am when I'm with her."
If the real you is who you are when you're with her, then you've been lying to all your bestfriends.
You said she "keeps you in check". She doesn't like you hanging out with other girls. She won't date you until you're both graduated. What's gonna happen when you graduate? She's going to college. What are you doing?

"My grandparents, and everyone at school like her. You're the only one who has a problem. Figures."
"I'm sorry if you think I'm drifting. But I'm not going to pass up a great relationship because my friends want to go egg houses and smoke pot."

Before you and her were all lovey-dovey, you were doing both of those things.
Where was she when you told me you couldn't even listen to a song without crying because it made you think of her.
Where was she at your mom's funeral. Everyone who cared about you was there.
She made you a card, how sweet.
All your best friends tried to be there for you at the funeral. But you didn't sit with us, or your brothers or your sisters. You distanced yourself from everyone else.
You need to cope. And I want to help you, but you won't let anyone.
I love you. But everything's going down hill.

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